Lilliput Fundraisers

Labeling things that get sent to school helps teachers and children keep track of their things.
Stuck on you labels go through the wash and dishwasher!
Enter code: LILLIPUT
at checkout to help earn money for our school.

Box tops for education:
For this fundraiserdownload the app and scan your reciept to collect oxtops for our school. Add our school I.D to the app.

and print coupons and enter box tops on line for our school. Our School I.D.: 310309

If you are shopping at Price chopper you can enter your advantage card in their tools for schools program to help earn new technology equiptment for our school at not extra cost to you.

log on to register your card:

Our School code is: 39652

If you are shopping at Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards is a unique and easy way Stop & Shop offers its customers opportunities to be rewarded by earning money for their designated schools just by registering your rewards card.

Help raise money for new and innovative educational technology, playground equipment and classroom materials

You can make a difference with the things you already do like:

Shopping at price chopper, clipping box tops, and those great labels to make sure things don't get lost at school.

Labeling things that get sent to school helps teachers and children keep track of their things.
Labels go through the wash and dishwasher!
Enter code: Lecc14
at checkout to help earn money for our school.